Thursday, July 26, 2018


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Education For SMP

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Activity Tapping Rubber Tree

Rubber plants (hevea basiliensis) can grow up to age 30 years, has a height of 15 to 20 meters. Rubber plants have leaf deciduous properties as a tanama response to a less favorable environment (lack of water / drought). But at the beginning of the rainy season the leaves of rubber trees will grow back. Rubber plants also have an extensive root system / spread wide enough so that rubber plants can grow on land conditions that are less profitable. This root is also used for selecting clones that can be used as the lower leg on the propagation of rubber plants. Rubber plants can be cut or tapped for 15 to 20 years.

Before the rubber sweeping activities are done, usually the workers will prepare the equipment that will be used to go tapping. Like a special knife used for tapping, machetes, drinking water, food, footwear (such as shoes or sandals). When going to the workers first breakfast, this is done to fill the stamina. Although the workers bring lunch, but the stock will be eaten during lunch break. After breakfast they will leave the rubber plantation at around 06.00 pm, is classified as still in the morning. Most of the workers leave when it is very early because it is caused by several things.
1. Because the location of the plantation is far away, so it takes a long time.
2. Because of its vast plantation, it takes a long time to tap it.
3. Because it has many other jobs, so decided to go faster, then can finish another job.

The workers who have reached the location of the plantation, are not directly tapped. After until they will store the supplies that are brought into the honda seat or hidden underbrush. It is intended that the supplies carried are not taken by wild monkeys that are planted.

After the workers incinerate or tap rubber trees for 2 weeks, they will take the leads. The result of the tap that has been taken will be sold kepabrik sap or to the car resell seller who likes to get around to take the sap of the workers who do not bring it directly to the factory.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Informasi Yang Belum Lulus Serta TUGAS SELAMA PKL XI TKJ 1

Yang belum lulus :
No Nama P K No Nama P K
Nilai Nilai Nilai Nilai
1 Abdul aziz kamil 75 79 1 Abdul aziz kamil 75 87
2 Adi victor saputra p 75 75 2 Adi victor saputra p 75 75
3 Adilla ramadhan 75 75 3 Adilla ramadhan 75 81
4 Agil Andrea Husada 75 0 4 Agil Andrea Husada 75 0
5 Alfa Dion Nuriansyah 75 0 5 Alfa Dion Nuriansyah 75 80
6 Ari Wahyudi 75 75 6 Ari Wahyudi 75 80
7 DickyFly Perdana Putra 75 75 7 DickyFly Perdana Putra 75 87
8 Elki Rianda Pratama 75 0 8 Elki Rianda Pratama 75 77
9 Febdius Irawan 75 0 9 Febdius Irawan 75 83
10 Firman Jaya Zega 0 0 10 Firman Jaya Zega 75 75
11 Gilang Ramadhan 0 80 11 Gilang Ramadhan 75 88
12 Herfio Lesnanda 75 85 12 Herfio Lesnanda 75 0
13 Iksan Urfi Sanabila 75 0 13 Iksan Urfi Sanabila 75 84
14 Irma Febriani 75 75 14 Irma Febriani 75 83
15 Irvandy Aprianto 75 75 15 Irvandy Aprianto 75 80
16 Isnaini 75 75 16 Isnaini 75 86
17 Jelima Ahmad Jais 75 78 17 Jelima Ahmad Jais 75 85
18 Kurnia Elviani 75 75 18 Kurnia Elviani 75 0
19 M. Maulud Hamdan 75 75 19 M. Maulud Hamdan 75 89
20 Rajab Bim Tomy 75 75 20 Rajab Bim Tomy 75 0
21 Ratni Noprita 75 75 21 Ratni Noprita 75 78
22 Ratul Hujjah 75 91 22 Ratul Hujjah 75 87
23 Razi Riswan 75 75 23 Razi Riswan 75 0
24 Regi Rinaldo 75 0 24 Regi Rinaldo 75 0
25 Reno Hidayat 75 75 25 Reno Hidayat 75 85
26 Rezi Nurahmadhan 75 0 26 Rezi Nurahmadhan 75 0
27 Riska Syafriani 75 0 27 Riska Syafriani 75 0
28 Risky Dwi Nurahman 75 75 28 Risky Dwi Nurahman 75 88
29 Rizky Prasetyo 75 75 29 Rizky Prasetyo 75 0
30 Rogi Andrian Saputra 75 75 30 Rogi Andrian Saputra 75 76
31 Sopiyan Iswahyudi 75 75 31 Sopiyan Iswahyudi 75 86
32 Tessy Arda Melani 75 80 32 Tessy Arda Melani 75 85
33 Tri Anurvita 75 75 33 Tri Anurvita 75 86
34 Wilma Tiana 75 85 34 Wilma Tiana 75 79
35 Wulanda Pratiwi 75 75 35 Wulanda Pratiwi 75 83
36 Zhegha Yulian Tiarno 75 75 36 Zhegha Yulian Tiarno 75 84
37 Yoci Novitasari 75 75 37 Yoci Novitasari 75 83
Supaya secepatnya menyelesaikan nilai diatas

Tugas :
1. a. Membuat soal obyektif (A,B,C,D,E) langsung dengan ANSWER sistem komputer
    b. Membuat soal obyektif (A,B,C,D,E) langsung dengan ANSWER rancang bangun jaringan
    urut absen dibagi halamannya, dikerjakan pada komentar postingan ini.
    5 soal untuk SK dan 5 soal untuk RBJ
2. Membuat presentasi untuk sistem komputer dan rancang bangun jaringan, dibagi berdasar
    absen, satu kegiatan belajar satu siswa. Dikerjakan dan dicetak pada kertas A4, dikumpulkan
    saat kembali selambat-lambatnya saat kembali kesekolah, (yang dikumpulkan file dan cetakan)
    minimal 4 halaman SK dan 4 halaman RBJ isi materi, satu halaman 1 slide.
3. Membuat iklan SMK N 2 Teluk Kuantan dengan animasi (flash). Perorang, minimal 45 detik.
    dikumpulkan bersama beberapa siswa dalam cd. Yang dikumpulkan fil jadi dan file simpanan

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